Underrepresentation of women in media.

http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.brocku.ca/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=7&sid=4b42259b-912d-49ea-b699-d0dcb2c8c690@sessionmgr4004&hid=4208 This blog post will discuss the unfortunate truth that women are underrepresented in the media. The article that has been included focuses on how the media tends to not include coverage of female politicians. Women are included in different kinds of media, however this is usually in a negative context. They are sexualized, stereotyped […]

News, trust and “truthiness”

After reading several of my classmate’s blogs, I have come across three that I agree with and have chosen to review. In my blog I had said that culture jamming was an effective way for people to receive everyday news while including some comic relief. My opinion has expanded after reading other students entries. The […]

Is The Fake News, The Real News?

I believe that satirical news reporting is in most ways, a mainstream form of culture jamming. I have reason to feel this way because these shows are not to be a spoof and provide parodies of today’s news and advertisements etc. for society to enjoy. As much as these shows are funny and enjoyed, some […]

Demonstrable Demographics

After reading several of my classmate’s blogs, I came to the conclusion that I agree with the majority of the entries that were given. In this response I will discuss three entries written by my fellow classmates. I wrote my most recent blog about a Revlon mascara advertisement, which is why I find the first […]

What The Hail?

  The advertisement I have chosen is for Revlon mascara. In the ad, they strategically use a beautiful well-known celebrity, Halle Berry. The ad uses an image of a happy woman; Revlon has their product shown, their company name in large letters, as well as a quote by Halle Berry. It is also promised that […]

Wanted: The Media That We Need

The media informs us of many important social, cultural and political matters. In order to have these important events brought to our attention, society needs to ignore the media that is just thrust upon us for unnecessary purposes. When asking whether it is easy or difficult to find the important media, Christine Merrill answers that […]

The Media We Want?

In modern society I consider the concept that all types of media are forced upon us as a society because it is around us all the time, everywhere we go. With that being said, we have the power to pay attention to the media we want included in our lives. We do not have to […]

1125 Post 1: Media Impact

I think that the mass media has an everyday impact on my worldview. Being in second year university and the age I am, most of my time is spent worrying about the media and keeping on top of the newest and latest of everything. Having a TV in my room, a magazine subscription and a […]